Friday, June 14, 2013

Presents in the mail

My RAGBRAI packet arrived this week!

The colors are described in much fancier terms than I expected: "grape," not purple; "lime," not green. Solely out of vanity, I will confess to being sad that I don't get a "lavender" wristband, because it's on a day I don't ride.  

Even though I'd paid for registration, received approval for my time off, told a bunch of people I was doing RAGBRAI, printed a training schedule, followed the plan more than half of the time, lined up sleeping arrangements and pestered numerous people about whether they could fetch me if need be — THIS was the moment that registration felt official.

It's kind of like Christmas, I think (and hope). The anticipation is fun, but because I'm a worrier by nature, the preparation can be a little tiring at times.

So the packet's arrival was like opening the advent calendar — a small treat now that hints at bigger and better things to come.

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